Working Papers

Ongoing or preliminary researches are published as a working paper after a peer review process.

Working Paper Coordinator: Bilge Öztürk Göktuna


WP-19-01: Selin Pelek, Sezgin Polat Exploring inter-household transfers: An assessment using panel data from Turkey

WP-19-02: Renginar Dayangaç, Bilge Öztürk Göktuna Exploring Informal Employment and Retirement : Family Support as a Substitute for Pension Benefit


WP-14-01: Renginar Dayangaç, Bilge Öztürk Göktuna Segmented labour market and private pension decisions


WP-13-01: Ata Özkaya The Domestic Debt Intolerance and Bad Equilibrium: An Empirical Default Model

WP-13-02: Anna Batyra Are Turbulences of Sargent and Ljungqvist consistent with lower Aggregate Volatility?

WP-13-03: Olivier Charlot, Franck Malherbet, Mustafa Ulus Unemployment Compensation and the Allocation of Labor in Developing Countries

WP-13-04: Ayça Akarcay, Sezgin Polat, Mustafa Ulus In Limbo: Exploring Transition to Discouragement

WP-13-05: Ruhi Tuncer Estimating Eigenfunctions of the Infinitesimal Generator of a Stochastic Differential Equation as Solutions of Integral Equations

WP-13-06: Anna Batyra, David de la Croix, Olivier Pierrard, Henri R. Sneessens Declining bargaining power of workers and the rise of early retirement in Europe

WP-13-07: Nurhan Davutyan, Murat Bilsel, Menderes Tarcan Migration, Risk-Adjusted Mortality, Varieties of Congestion and Patient Satisfaction in Turkish Provincial General Hospitals

WP-13-08: Selin Pelek The impact of the minimum wage on the wage distribution: Evidence from Turkey

WP-13-09: Ozan Bakış, Sezgin Polat Wage Inequality in Turkey: 2002-2010

WP-13-10: Sezgin Polat Wage Compensation for Risk: The Case of Turkey


WP-12-01: Ozan Bakış, Fatih Karanfil, Sezgin Polat Interactions between bank behavior and financial structure: evidence from a developing country

WP-12-02: İpek İlkkaracan, Haluk Levent, Sezgin Polat Exploring different measures of wage flexibility in a developing economy context: The case for Turkey

WP-12-03: Ata Özkaya Agree or Convince

WP-12-04: Özcan Ceylan Time-Varying Volatility Asymmetry: A Conditioned HAR-RV(CJ) EGARCH-M Model

WP-12-05: Ruhi Tuncer Estimating Stochastic Differential Equations Using Repeated Eigenfunction Estimation and Neural Networks

WP-12-06: Sahir Karakaya The Qualitative Study of the Transitional Dynamics of the Romer Model

WP-12-07: Thomas Jobert, Fatih Karanfil, Anna Tykhonenko  Environmental Kuznets curve for carbon dioxide emissions: lack of robustness to heterogeneity?


WP-11-01: Z. Yeşim Gürbüz Crédibilité en matière de ciblage d’inflation

WP-11-02: Oana Calavrezo, Selin Pelek Qui sont les salariés payés au niveau du salaire minimum ? Une analyse empirique à partir de données turques

WP-11-03: Ruhi Tuncer Evolutionary Foundations of Mathematics

WP-11-04: Renginar Dayangaç, Bilge Öztürk Göktuna Informal Employment and Family Support: An Evolutionary Analysis

WP-11-05: Ayça Akarçay, Mustafa Ulus Labor force status and income disparity: Evidence from Turkey


WP-10-01: Sezgin Polat Animal Spirits and Investment Complementarities in a Temporary Equilibrium model with Underemployment

WP-10-02: Fatih Karanfil Environmental regulation in the presence of unrecorded economy

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