Members’ Publications

Publications of GIAM members are given below:



Akarçay, A., & Polat, S. (2023). Reluctance to report criminal incidents: limited access to justice, social exclusion, and gender. European Journal of Law and Economics, 55(1), 145-166.

Bakis, O., & Polat, S. (2023). Wage inequality dynamics in TurkeyEmpirica, 50, 657–694.

Goktuna, B.O., & Hamzaoglu, M. (2023). Organic food demand in Turkey: segmentation from necessity to varietyOrganic Agriculture, 13, 145-171.

Gürbüz, Y. (2023). La rationalité des anticipations d’inflation en Turquie et son effet sur le fonctionnement du canal des anticipations. GSU Managerial and Social Sciences Letters, 1 (1) , 6-29.

Göktuna, B.Ö., & Yurdakurban, E.Ö. (2023). Transfer Davranışında Grup EtkisiMarmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 45(1), 1-20.

Ayhan, S.H., Lehmann, H. & Pelek, S. (2023). Job creation and job destruction in Turkey: 2006-2021. IZA DP No. 16491.

Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Polat, S. (2023). Wage Distribution and Labor Market Discrimination, In Labor Economics, Eskişehir: Anadolu University, 2023, pp.174-204.


Öztürk Göktuna, B., Yaşar, Ö. & Dişpençe, M.B. (2023). The impact of sanctions and pre-release policies on recidivism. EcoMod2023 – International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science, Prague, 3-5 July 2023.

Öztürk Göktuna, B., Yaşar, Ö. & Dişpençe, M.B. (2023). The impact of sanctions and pre-release policies on recidivism. WEHIA 2023
 Annual Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Koper, 22-24 June 2023.

Gürbüz, Z.Y. (2023). Financial Stability Index in Eurasian Economies. International Conference of Eurasian Economies, pp.35-43 on September 18-19, 2023.

Polat, S. & Ulus, M. (2023). Rise in Worker Turnover and Its Impact on Wages in Turkey. Workshop on Turkish Economy, Ankara, Türkiye, 5-7 October 2023, ss.21.




Dayangaç, R., & Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2022). Türkiye’de Emeklilik Sistemi ve Reformlarına Karşılaştırmalı Ekonomik Bakış. Malî Hukuk Dergisi, 18(215), 2409-2440.

Hamzaoğlu, R., & Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2022). Food Waste Behavior of Organic Food Consumers in Turkey. Journal of Management and Economics Research, December 2022.

Pelek, S. (2022). Türki̇ye’de Diplomalı İşsizlik: İşsiz Üniversite Mezunlarının İş Piyasası Örüntüleri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 20(1), 247-270.

Pelek, S., & Polat, S. (2022). Evolution of altruistic motive and crowding-out effect in Turkey: Does private housing support matter? Ege Academic Review22(1), 93-116.

Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Gürpınar, E., & Polat, S. (2022). Sosyal Tercihler, Sosyal Normlar ve Kurumlar Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme, in Hangi İnsan? Davranış Bilimlerinde Rasyonalite, Sosyal Tercihler ve Oyun Teorisi, Eds. Erkan Gürpınar, Efil Yayınevi, Ankara.

İneci, S. (2022). İklim Değişiklikleri Karşısında Tarımsal Faaliyetlerin Sürdürülebilirliği, in Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Ekonomi, Eds. M. Hamzaoğlu, İ. Ertek, Kültür Üniversitesi Yayın No.292, Bölüm 36, 641-656.

Karayel, A. (2022). Türkiye’deki Gıda Kısayollarının Sürdürülebilirliğe Katkıları: Tüketici Görüş ve Algıları ile İlişkili Etkenler, in Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Ekonomi, Eds. M. Hamzaoğlu, İ. Ertek, Kültür Üniversitesi Yayın No.292, 678-96.

Hamzaoğlu, N.M., & Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2022). Organik Tarım ve Çevre Bilinci İlişkisi: Türkiye’de Organik Gıda Talebine Bakış, in Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma ve Ekonomi, Eds. M. Hamzaoğlu, İ. Ertek, Kültür Üniversitesi Yayın No.292, 658-676.

İneci, S. (2022) Tarımsal İnovasyon Teşvikleri. 5. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve İnovasyon Kongresi, Kasım, 2022, Bildiriler Kitabı, 451-456.


Akarçay, A. & Polat, S. (2022). Reluctance to Report Criminal Incidents: Social Exclusion and Limited Access to Justice. American Economic Association (AEA) Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA) Annual meeting, January 7-9, 2022.

Akarçay, A., & Polat, S. (2022). Reluctance to report criminal incidents: limited access to justice, social exclusion, and gender. Topics in Middle Eastern and African Economies Proceedings of Middle East Economic Association May 2022

Akarçay, A., & Polat, S. (2022). Growth volatility and institutional constraints on private sector and civil society development in Turkey. 19th World Congress, Paris, July 25-29, 2022.

Akarçay, A., & Polat, S. (2022). Social capital and values in the public sector in Turkey. 8th ICE-TEA Conference, Nevşehir, 1-4 September 2022.

İneci, S. (2022). Tarımsal İnovasyon Teşvikleri. 5. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve İnovasyon Kongresi, 12-13 November, 2022 Ankara.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Yurdakurban, E.Ö. (2022). Homophily And In-Group Bias In Poverty And Pension Games. EcoMod2022 – International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science, Ljubljana, 14-16 September 2022.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Yaşar, Ö. (2022). Coevolution of reciprocity and trust. EcoMod2022 – International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science, Ljubljana, 14-16 September 2022

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2022). Food Waste Behavior of Organic Food Consumers in Turkey. EcoMod2022 – International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science, Ljubljana, 14-16 September 2022

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2022). The Turkish Organic Food Consumers’ Behavior Towards Sustainability: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. 8th ICE-TEA Conference, Nevşehir, 1-4 September 2022.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Yaşar, Ö. (2022). Coevolution of Trust and Reciprocal Preferences. 8th ICE-TEA Conference, Nevşehir, 1-4 September 2022.

Pelek, S., & Uysal Kolaşin, G. (2022). Envelope Wages, Underreporting and Tax Evasion: The Case of Turkey. 4. International Social Sciences and Innovation Congress, 21 February 2022.

Pelek, S. (2022). Female Labor Force Participation in Turkey: An Examination of Recent Trends. 4. International Congress on Life, Social and Health Sciences in a Changing World, 12 February 2022.

Pelek, S. (2022). Factors Determining the Labor Market Participation of University Graduates during the pandemic period. 4. International New York Academic Research Congress, 15 January 2022.

Ulus, M. (2022). Informal sector: Stepping-Stone or Dead End for Immigrants? 8th ICE-TEA Conference, Nevşehir, 1-4 September 2022.

Ulus, M. (2022). Incentives and Exit Behavior: An Examination of the Unemployment Insurance System in Turkey. 8th ICE-TEA Conference, Nevşehir, 1-4 September 2022.




Kahveci, M., & Pelek, S. (2021). Asgari Ücret ve Politika: Asgari Ücreti Seçimler mi Belirliyor? Amme Idaresi Dergisi54(1).

Polat, S. (2021). Health-Related Risk Perceptions and Wage Compensation: Evidence From TurkeyFinans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, 658, 53-72.

Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Gajac, O. & Pelek, S. (2021). Solidarity Economics in Turkey: Its Ecosystem and Relations with Public Authorities in Local Governance and Regional Development: Current Perspectives in Ayhan F. (eds). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Pelek, S. (2021). Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi, Dayanışma Ekonomisi, Kadın İstihdamı maddeleri, Kamu Yönetimi Ansiklopedisi (genişletilmiş 2. cilt), Ankara: Astana Yayınları.


İneci, S. (2021). Flexible Work and Time Management of Women. Women Studies Conference, 9 March 2021, Congress Book, ISARC, pp. 275-288.

Akarçay, A. & Polat, S. (2021). Reluctance to report criminal incidents: social exclusion and limited access to justice. 7th International Conference, Turkish Economic Association (TEA), 9-11 Nisan 2021.

Pelek, S. (2021). “Asgari Ücret ve Politika: Asgari Ücreti Seçimler mi Belirliyor?” ICE-TEA 2021, 7th International Conference on Economics, 9-11 Nisan 2021.

Bakış, O. & Polat, S. (2021). Wage Inequality Dynamics in Turkey. The Economic Research Forum (ERF) 27th Annual Conference. 8 Haziran 2021.

Tunalı, İ. & Ulus, M. (2021). Incentives and Exit Behavior: An Examination of the Unemployment Insurance System in Turkey. Economic Research Forum, 27th Annual Conference (online) 22 Haziran 2021.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2021). Environment consciousness and preference for a sustainable production by organic food consumers in Turkey. EcoMod2021 – International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science Milan (online), 7-9 Temmuz 2021.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Yurdakurban, E.Ö. (2021). Homophily and In-Group Bias in Poverty and Pension Games. 37th EBES Conference Berlin, (online), 6-8 Ekim 2021.

İneci, S. (2021). Teknik Engeller: Uluslararası Ticarette Tarife Dışı Engeller. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve İnovasyon Kongresi, 24-25 Mayıs 2021, Ankara, s. 506-515 ISBN: 978-625-7636-94-0.

İneci, S. (2021). Ouverture commerciale, dumping sociale et inégalités de revenue. 36. Journée du développement de l’Association de Tiers-Monde, Croissance, développement et inégalité, LIRIS et ESO, Université de Rennes2, 26-27 Mai 2021.

Bakış, O. & Polat, S. (2021). Minimum wage adjustments and wage inequality dynamics in Turkey. Türkiye’de Asgari Ücret Politikaları Ve Etkileri, TUBİTAK Çalıştayı, 1 Mayıs, 2021.

Kavuncu, F. & Polat, S. (2021). Comparing Wage Distributions Using Different Data Sources: SILC vs HLFS. TÜİK Uzmanları ve Mikroveri Kullanıcıları Gelir Verileri Üzerine Tartışıyor ÇALIŞTAY 22 Mayıs 2021.



Ayhan, S. H., & Pelek, S. (2020). State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non‐Welfare ContextReview of Income and Wealth66(3), 711-735.

İneci, S. & Gürbüz, Z.Y. (2020). Avrupa Bankacılık Birliği’nin Orta ve Doğu Avrupa Bankacılık Performansına Etkileri. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 28(1): 81-107.

Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Zeyneloglu, I., Gürbüz, Z.Y., & Koenig, G. (2020). Para Politikası Makro İhtiyati Politikalar ve Finansal İstikrar, Kriter Yayınları, İstanbul.

Karayel, A. (2020). Durumsal Faktörler, in M.A. Çakırer, S. Bozyiğit (eds) Tüketici Davranışları, Nobel Yayınevi Istanbul.

Uysal, G., Paker, H., & Pelek, S. (2020). Labor Market Challenges in Turkey, in Turkish Economy at the Crossroads, 211, World Scientific.

Öztürk Göktuna, B., & Erinç, M. (2020). Auditors in the Economy and the Impact of Rent-Seeking Behaviour and Penalties, in Emerging Applications of Differential Equations and Game Theory (pp. 33-54). IGI Global.

Goktuna, B. O., & Hamzaoğlu, N. M. (2020). A Comparative Analysis of the Organic Food Market in Turkey, EU, and US, in Handbook of Research on Agricultural Policy, Rural Development, and Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Economies (pp. 454-483). IGI Global.


Bakış, O. & Polat, S. (2020). Wage Inequality Dynamics in Turkey. 19th International Conference of MEEA, 9-11 September 2020.




Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2019). Income variability and selection of the pension systemManagerial and Decision Economics40(3), 267-276.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2019). A dynamic model of party membership and ideologiesJournal of Theoretical Politics31(2), 209-243.

Gajac, O., & Pelek, S. (2019). Solidarity Economy Initiatives in Turkey: From Reciprocity to Local Development?. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research18(2), 30-42.

Öztürk Göktuna, B., & Hamzaoğlu, M. (2019). An Analysis of the Organic Agriculture Industry in Turkey. L’industria40(4), 793-820.

Zeyneloğlu, I., & Koenig, G. (2019). Politique Budgétaire et Emploi Public Dans les Modèles Macroéconomiques ContemporainsAnkara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi74(2), 631-655.

Akarçay, A., & Polat, S. (2019). Occupational injuries and wage differentials in Turkey. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi41(2), 473-492.

Pelek, S. (2019). Bir Sınıf Kavramı Olarak Prekaryanın EleştirisiPraksis, (49), 103-123.

Akarçay, A., & Pelek, S. (2019). Türkiye’de Düşük Ücretli Çalışma ve Kadın İstihdamında Dönüşümler. Efil Journal, vol. 2(7), pp. 144-162.


Akarçay, A. & Polat, S. (2019). Subnational variation in access to justice in Turkey. World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) Conference.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Yurdakurban, E.Ö. (2019). Homophily and In-Group Bias in Poverty and Pension Games. International ASSET Conference on October 25-27 October 2019.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2019). Welfare effects of mislabeling in the organic food market. International ECOMOD Conference on July 10-12, 2019 organized by ECOMOD.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Zayim, G.D. (2019). Party Switching in Turkey. International ECOMOD Conference on July 10-12, 2019 organized by ECOMOD.

İneci, S. (2019). Sel Riski Altındaki Alanlarda KOBİ’lerin Afet Öncesi Hazırlıkları (Early Preparedness of SMEs Under Flooding Threat: A Case Study Analysis, International Disaster & Resilience Congress, Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi, 26-28 June 2019.




Zeyneloglu, I. (2018). Fiscal policy effectiveness and the golden rule of public financeCentral Bank Review18(3), 85-93.

Bakış, O., Polat, S. & Ulus, M. (2018). Türkiye’de Çalışılan Saatlerin Dağılımı ve Değişimi. Journal of Economic Research, 1(4), 108-127.

Ay, F. C., & Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2018) Gelir grubu dağılımlarının politik vaatlere etkisi: gelir dağıtım kararları üzerine deneysel bir analiz. Journal of Research in Economics, 2(2), 162-173.

Zeyneloğlu, I. (2018). European Monetary Union: achievements and future challenges. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi26(2), 107-126.


Ayhan, S. & Pelek, S. (2018). State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context. 16th International Workshop on Pensions, Insurance and Savings on April, 23-24 2018.

Gürbüz, Z.Y. (2018). The effectiveness of macroprudential policy instruments: evidence form Turkey. International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy on April 28-29, 2018.

Polat, S. & Pelek, S. (2018). Sosyal refah rejimi, özel ve kamu kaynaklı trasferlerin etkileşimi ve dışlama etkisi. 2. Küresel Eşitsizlik Konferansı, Altınbaş Üniversitesi , Turkey, May, 29 2018.

Pelek, S. & Uysal Kolaşin, G. (2018). Envelope Wages, Underreporting and Tax Evasion: The Case of Turkey. 17th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, International Conference on Public Economics on June 27-28, 2018.

Gürbüz, Z.Y. (2018). Türkiye’de Makroihtiyati Para Politikası Güvenilirliği. International Conference on Empirical Economics and Social Sciences (ICEESS’18) on June 25-27, 2018.

Polat, S. & Pelek, S. (2018). The welfare system, the interaction between public and private transfers and the crowding-out effect: Evidence from Turkey. International ECOMOD Conference on July 4-6, 2018 organized by ECOMOD.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2018). Organic Food Supply in Turkey: Organic Food Producers Profile and Constraints in the Supply Side of the Organic Food Market in Turkey. EPEI 2018 ECONOMIC POLICIES FOR ECONOMIC IMBALANCES: INSTITUTIONS, ACTORS AND EMERGING ISSUES 2018 on September 28-29, 2018.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2018). Organic Food Supply in Turkey: Organic Food Producers Profile and Constraints in the Supply Side of the Organic Food Market in Turkey. International Economics Conference Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu UEK-TEK 2018, November 1-3 2018.

Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Hamzaoğlu, N.M. (2018). Welfare effects of mislabeling in the organic food market. International Economics Conference Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu UEK-TEK 2018, November 1-3 2018.

Özkaya, A. & Gürbüz, Z.Y. (2018). Döviz Kuru volatilitesi ve Kaotik Dinamiği: Türkiye Örneği. International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy on December 1-2, 2018.




Polat, S. (2017). The Expansion of Higher Education in Turkey: Access, Equality, and Regional Returns to Education. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics43, 1-14.

Akarçay-Gürbüz, A., & Polat, S. (2017). Schooling opportunities and intergenerational educational mobility in Turkey: An IV estimation using Census data. The Journal of Development Studies53(9), 1396-1413.


Akarçay, A., Davutyan, N. & Polat, S. (2017). İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyete Geçişte Ege Bölgesinde Tarımsal Verimlilik. İzmir ve Çevresi: Toplumsal, Ekonomik ve Kültürel Değişimin Yüz Yılı, 1850-1950 on November 24-25, 2017.




Charlot, O., Malherbet, F., & Ulus, M. (2016). Unemployment compensation and the allocation of labor in developing countries. Journal of Public Economic Theory18(3), 385-416.

Akarçay Gürbüz, A., & Polat, S. (2016). Public-private wage differentials in Turkey: public policy or market dynamics?International Review of Applied Economics30(3), 326-356.

Laslier, J. F., & Goktuna, B. O. (2016). Opportunist politicians and the evolution of electoral competition. Journal of Evolutionary Economics26(2), 381-406.

Zeyneloğlu, I., & Koenig, G. (2016). Recent economic developments and the implications for fiscal policy in open economy macroeconomics. Revue d’économie politique126(6), 1023-1056.


Ay, F. C., & Öztürk Göktuna, B. (2016). The Effects of Policy Pledges on Voting Decisions Based on Income Groups An Experimental Analysis on Vote Buying. 7th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) on June 9-10, 2016.

Pelek, S. & Ayhan, S. (2016). State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non Welfare Context. Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics – Annual Meeting on June 9-10, 2016.

Polat, S. (2016). Some Economic Consequences of Higher Education Expansion in Turkey. XXV Meeting of the Economics of Education Association on June 30-July 1, 2016.

Paul, J.J. & Polat, S. (2016). How to predict university performance a case study from a prestigious Turkish university. XXV Meeting of the Economics of Education Association on June 30-July 1, 2016.

Akarçay, A., Davutyan, N. & Polat, S. (2016). The impact of demographic engineering and wartime calamities on agricultural production from late Ottoman to early Republican Turkey. Fifth Asian Historical Economics Conference on September 2-3, 2016.

Pelek, S. & Uysal Kolaşin, G. (2016). Underreporting of Wages and Tax Evasion Evidence from Turkey. 109th Annual Conference on Taxation on November 10-12, 2016.




Ayhan, S. H., & Pelek, S. (2015). State Dependence in Welfare Benefits in a Non-Welfare Context (No. 9551). Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

Bakış, O., & Polat, S. (2015). Wage inequality in Turkey, 2002–10. Economics of Transition23(1), 169-212.


Pelek, S. (2015). The Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage: An Empirical Analysis from Turkey. Ekonomi-TEK – International Economics Journal, 4(1), 49-68.

Pelek, S. & Jacques, J.F. (2015). Labor Supply Responses to Minimum Wage Increase:Evidence from Turkey. 21th International Panel Data Conference on June 29-30, 2015.

Gürbüz, A. & Polat, S. (2015). The rocky road to post compulsory education in Turkey Intergenerational educational mobility. Conference on the Economics of Health, Education, and Worker Productivity on October 16-17, 2015.

Bakış, O. & Polat, S. (2015). Wage inequality in Turkey 2002 2010. 35th Annual Meeting of the Middle East EconomicAssociation (MEEA), on January 3-6, 2015.




Polat, S. (2014). Wage Compensation for Risk: The Case of Turkey Safety Science, 70, 153-160.

Akarçay Gürbüz, A., Polat, S., & Ulus, M. (2014). In Limbo: Exploring transition to discouragement. European Journal of Development Research, 26 (4), 527–551.


Levent, H. & Öztürk Göktuna, B. & Polat, S. (2014). Türkiye de Çok Boyutlu Fakirlik ve Gelir Dağılımı 1994 ve 2003 Yılları Kıyaslaması. Gelir Dağılımı ve Yoksulluk Çalıştayı ESAM, İTÜ İşletme Fakültesi on April 24, 2014.

Gürbüz, A. & Polat, S. (2014). Public Private Wage Differentials In Turkey Public Policy or Market Inequality. 4th Turkish Economic Association International Conference on Economics on October 18-20, 2014.

Pelek, S. (2014). The Employment Effect of the Minimum Wage in Turkey: Measuring Demand and Supply Responses. 4th Turkish Economic Association International Conference on Economics on October 18-20, 2014.

Karayel, A. (2014). Attitudes to Income Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution in Turkey. 14th Conference of the Eurasia-Business-and-Economics-Society (EBES), pp.339-354 on October 23-25, 2014.




Charlot, O., Malherbet, F., & Ulus, M. (2013). Efficiency in a search and matching economy with a competitive informal sector. Economics Letters, 118(1), 192-194.

Ozkaya, A. (2013). Public Debt Stock Sustainability in Selected OECD Countries. Central Bank Review, 13(1), 31-49.

Ilkkaracan, I., Levent, H., & Polat, S. (2013). Exploring different measures of wage flexibility in a developing economy context: The case for Turkey. International Review of Applied Economics, 27(3), 297-315

Bakis, O., Davutyan, N., Levent, H. & Polat, S. (2013). Quantile Estimates For Social Returns To Education In Turkey: 2006-2009. Middle East Development Journal5(03).




Koenig, G., & Zeyneloglu, I. (2012). International consumption risk sharing and fiscal policy. Economics Bulletin, 32(2), 1250-1260.




Akarçay Gürbüz, A. (2011). Comparing trajectories of structural change. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(6), 1061-1085.

Bakis, O., Davutyan, N., Levent, H., & Polat, S. (2011). Sectoral human capital spillovers: Evidence from Turkey. Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 26(298), 9-20.

Akarçay Gürbüz, A., & Ulus, M. (2011). Labor Force Status And Income Disparity-Evidence From Turkey. Region et Developpement, 34, 39-56.

Ben Salem, M., Bensidoun, I., & Pelek, S. (2011). Informal Employment in Turkey: An Overview. Région et Développement, 34, 57-84.

Calavrezo, O., & Pelek, S. (2011). Les emplois du bas de l’échelle salariale en Turquie : une description des salariés des secteurs formels et informels, hors agriculture. Travail et Emploi, 126, 45-60.

Ozturk Goktuna, B., & Dayangac, R. (2011). Rethinking the informal labour from an evolutionary point of view. Journal of Socio-Economics, 40(5), 609-615.

Zeyneloglu, I. (2011). Un autre mécanisme de diffusion de la crise mondiale : le cas de la Turquie. Bulletin de l’Observatoire des politiques économiques en Europe, 25(5).




Gürsel, S., & Ulus, M. (2010). La dynamique du marché du travail en Pologne et en Turquie : une analyse comparative. Bulletin de l’Observatoire des politiques économiques en Europe, 23(8).

Davutyan, N., Demir, M., & Polat, S. (2010). Assessing the efficiency of Turkish secondary education: Heterogeneity, centralization, and scale diseconomies. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 44(1), 35-44.

Koenig, G., & Zeyneloglu, I. (2010). Monetary and fiscal policy efficiency and coordination in a multi-sector  open-economy general equilibrium model. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57(4), 473-493.

Koenig, G., & Zeyneloglu, I. (2010). When does financial integration matter for fiscal policy in a monetary union : a welfare based approach. Economic Modelling, 27(3), 620-630.